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2008-02-02 香菇紫米油飯 Mushroom black steamed rice (122) (13)
2008-02-02 全麥紅綠雙色紅豆捲Whole wheat two-colored steamed bun (1) (8)
2008-02-01 女兒養蔥記My daughter grows green onions. (36) (16)
2008-01-30 手工全麥地瓜八寶麵Homemade whole wheat sweet potato noodle (8) (12)
2008-01-30 全麥愛心咖啡麵包Whole wheat heart coffee bread (5) (10)
2008-01-29 又下雪了 It snowed again. (2) (10)
2008-01-28 全麥蘿蔔絲餅Whole wheat radish fried cake (111) (10)
2008-01-27 全麥草莓蘋果造型包Whole wheat straw berry steamed bun (3) (11)
2008-01-25 鮭魚豆腐白菜糙米粥Salmon tofu cabbage congee (123) (10)
2008-01-25 番茄蝦仁全麥南瓜麵Tomato shirmp whole wheat noodle (2) (2)
2008-01-24 華盛頓湖 Lake Washington (4) (8)
2008-01-24 全麥卡式達土司Whole wheat custard bread (10) (10)
2008-01-23 自製蝦仁波菜麵homemade spinach noodle (22) (12)
2008-01-20 全麥高麗菜肉包子Whole wheat cabbage ground pork steamed bun (5) (13)
2008-01-19 一品雞湯和蒸雞蛋豆腐 Chicken soup & steamed tofu (54) (14)
2008-01-18 全麥蝦仁青醬三色麵Whole wheat shirmp pesto noodle (0) (12)
2008-01-17 全麥青醬魚鬆土司Whole wheat pesto ground fish bread (3) (15)
2008-01-16 韓式晚餐 Korea style dinner (26) (10)
2008-01-15 聯合湖Lake Union (28) (7)
2008-01-13 全麥綠茶紅豆餡餅Whole wheat green tea fried cake (5) (14)
2008-01-12 全麥蝦仁咖哩包子Whole wheat curry shirmp steamed bun (3) (10)
2008-01-11 蝦仁豆漿綠茶湯麵 Shirmp soymilk green tea noodle soup (83) (15)
2008-01-10 全麥青醬起司貝果 Pesto cheese bagel (326) (9)
2008-01-09 生命不可知的重量 The load that we never know in life (7) (36)
2008-01-08 全麥原味咖啡雙色包子Whole wheat original and coffee steamed bun (8) (16)
2008-01-07 全麥香酥蔥油餅 Whole wheat green onion pancake (36) (9)
2008-01-06 蒲瓜五穀稀飯Squash multi-grain congee (22) (3)
2008-01-04 全麥香草起司麵包Whole wheat herb cheese bread (14) (14)
2008-01-01 撒門迷許湖Samamish Lake (1) (16)
2008-01-01 茄汁燒魚Steamed salmon with tomato sauce (0) (10)
2007-12-30 全麥巧克力和肉桂麵包Whole wheat chocolate and cimmon bread (4) (20)
2007-12-27 蒸五彩肉丸和扁莆蠔菇湯Steamed beef and squash mushroom soup (8) (13)
2007-12-26 全麥菠菜素菜包 Spinach vegetable steamed bun (5) (16)
2007-12-26 平安夜的晚餐 The Christmas Eve dinner (6) (13)
2007-12-24 全麥蔥煎餅 Whole wheat green onion crepe (3) (15)
2007-12-22 夏威夷鑽石山的海灘 The beach of Hawaii Diamond Head (1) (13)
2007-12-21 蝦仁蒸蛋Steamed shirmp egg (1) (11)
2007-12-19 全麥香菜起司麵包 Whole wheat cilantro cheese bread (44) (14)
2007-12-18 全麥橘地瓜和芝麻五穀米饅頭Whole wheat steam buns (657) (12)
2007-12-17 女兒的玩伴My daughter's company (2) (19)
2007-12-16 全麥綠茶鬆餅Whole wheat green tea pancake (49) (19)
2007-12-15 滷雞腿白菜炒麵 Stewed chichen and Chinese cabbage noodle (12) (14)
2007-12-14 焗烤鮭魚馬鈴薯Baked salmon and potato (359) (16)
2007-12-13 全麥紫地瓜和咖啡貝果Whoel wheat sweet potato and coffee bagel (58) (14)
2007-12-12 問世間情為何物?What is love? (2) (18)
2007-12-11 家族派對Family party (6) (24)
2007-12-10 湖邊餵食野鴨子 To feed the ducks by the lake (0) (13)
2007-12-08 無油煙水炒麵 Stir-fried noodle without soot (190) (15)
2007-12-07 全麥馬鈴薯原味和綠茶雙色麵包 Whole wheat potato and green tea bread (13) (10)
2007-12-06 迷迭香烤鮭魚Baked romary salmon (40) (16)