發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2013-09-24 部落格,搬遷到痞客邦Pixnet (154) (2)
2011-11-04 畫鄰居家的聖誕貓 (38) (38)
2011-08-24 戶外藝術展 (25) (43)
2011-04-22 見或不見 Will you see me or not? (20) (24)
2011-02-24 畫出多彩的春天 (19) (44)
2011-01-21 美麗的冰花世界 (10) (34)
2010-12-31 香酥誘人的紫地瓜水梨派(附食譜) (267) (25)
2010-11-19 Phoenix設計的海貓馬克對杯 (7) (63)
2010-10-29 可愛的馬克杯(樣本) (14) (61)
2010-10-27 湯麵對決---中vs日vs 韓(附食譜) (24) (20)
2010-10-05 金黃色的誘惑 --- 高纖低卡南瓜三吃(無油煙食譜) (48) (28)
2010-09-13 粉紅色的沉默 (9) (22)
2010-08-31 西雅圖戶外藝術慶典 (7) (25)
2010-08-18 Phoenix的英文精裝童話繪本(附贈中文翻譯) (25) (100)
2010-08-16 童話繪本The Lost Sea Cat插畫製作過程 (14) (17)
2010-08-06 逃家的貓 (7) (18)
2010-08-02 第三者 (8) (32)
2010-07-29 輕鬆做防癌五蔬果(免油煙食譜) (15) (21)
2008-12-26 白色耶誕節 White Christmas (5) (120)
2008-12-22 癡情傻小子Blind love(精選文章) (2) (115)
2008-11-16 百善孝為先The priority of all kindness is filial piety (3) (73)
2008-11-13 黑白小帥哥The handsome boy (5) (65)
2008-11-11 楓情萬種 The beautiful looks of maples (2) (36)
2008-11-06 秋. 心事 Fall. A worry (5) (50)
2008-11-03 楓葉飄飄The maples are flying. (3) (54)
2008-10-27 幸福的秋天Happy fall (1) (70)
2008-10-22 暖暖的秋天午後Warm fall afternoon (7) (61)
2008-10-16 東華盛頓州賞秋色To enjoy the fall color in East Washington (7) (51)
2008-09-30 左花園工作點滴之三North garden job details part 3 (10) (81)
2008-09-19 左花園工作點滴之二North garden job details part 2 (5) (57)
2008-09-13 左花園工作點滴之一North garden job details part1 (4) (52)
2008-09-05 三菇豆腐和蝦仁波菜Mushroom tofu & shirmp spinach (7) (70)
2008-08-27 東華盛頓州一日遊One day's travel in East Washington State (5) (82)
2008-08-22 難得輕鬆的午後A rare and relax afternoon (6) (73)
2008-08-19 左花園進度神速The left garden is in great progress. (3) (56)
2008-08-13 向外討救乒開墾左花園I need a help for left garden. (4) (74)
2008-07-30 左花園動工了We start to work in the left garden. (6) (85)
2008-07-22 愛戀我的後花園 I fall in love with my backyard (7) (86)
2008-07-18 後花園的工作點滴The job details of backyard (8) (62)
2008-07-16 我家的藍莓藍了My blue berries turn blue (12) (74)
2008-07-09 我的紫色夢幻後花園My purple dream backyard (15) (67)
2008-07-07 我家的櫻桃成熟了+精選照片My cherries are ripe. (8) (77)
2008-07-04 全麥綠茶花生雙色土司Green tea & peanut bread (15) (72)
2008-07-02 打造我的後花園To make my backyard (3) (65)
2008-06-29 女兒暑期收入My daughter summer vacation income (1) (64)
2008-06-27 我的初夏的花園My early summer garden (8) (61)
2008-06-25 池塘裡的野鴨 The ducks in the pond (2) (54)
2008-06-21 夕陽下的情緣The love fate under sunset (3) (62)
2008-06-19 父親節的特別午餐The special lunch for Father's Day (5) (60)
2008-06-15 與女兒一起賞花To enjoy flowers with my daughter (1) (73)