

昨天, 你要我猜十一月初是什麼紀念日?  一向對於日期不太有印象的我,  還真是一頭霧水耶,  後來你告訴我, 我才知道原來是我和女兒第一次來西雅圖的日子,  學法律的你, 就是有好處,  日期總是記得清清楚楚  ,不知是太浪漫還是太理性?

Dear husband,

Yesterday,you wanted me to guess what the anniversary was in the beginning of Nov ?

I alwasy do not have the impression of any date, so I was really confused.

Until you told me, I realized that it was the anniversary of visiting Seattle

for me and my daughter.

As a lawyer, you have the good points of remembering all important dates.

I do not know if it is too romantic or rational?



為了我和女兒的到來 ,你知道我潔癖重  ,你不但請人換了整棟房子的地毯 ,還準備了全新的用品給我和女兒 ,你也將你相處多年的狗送給你遠在洛杉磯的妹妹, 這也讓你足足開了近十個鐘頭的車子, 這樣的用心 ,真是讓我好感動

這是我那時在你家待一星期所畫的圖 , 因為沒有很認真,  就 足足畫了一星期~~~

Because I and my daughter visited you and you knew I was hospitally clean,

you not only asked peopel to change all of the carpets in your house

but also prepared all new items for me and my daughter.  

Besides, you send your sister your dog which has lived together with you

for many years. 

Because of this, you had to drive about 10 hours from Seattle to L.A. 

I felt so touched becasue of your consideration.

This was the picture which I drew at your home when I stayed about 1 week.

Because I was not very serious about it, it took me about 1 week to finish it.





就是這窗外的景色  剛開始還有很多楓葉  漸漸的等我畫好圖 楓葉就差不多落完了

It was the secenry which I saw fromyour window. 

In the beginning, there were a lot of maples.

When I finished it, the maples are almost gone.




這也讓我想起, 三年前的現在 , 第一次踏上西雅圖的土地 時 , 也不知什麼原因 , 我和女兒竟被海關查問了約二小時,  讓你在機場苦等多時  ,可是你還是那樣有耐心 , 一見到我就開心的雍抱我 ,還送我和女兒各一把花

This also reminded  me of landing Seattle the first time. 

I did not know what the reason was?

The U.S.A. customs interviewed me and my daughter about 2 hours.

Because of this, you had to wait for long time.

However, you were still very patience.

When you saw me, you were very happy and hold me in your arm.

You gave me and my daughter flowers seperately.





那時後,你依然要上班,  你 怕我和女兒太無聊 ,還請了一位女性的朋友, 帶我們去吃飯和逛街 ,就算是這樣  ,你還是很努力,偶而請假來陪我們到處去 

那時,女兒和我最喜歡去動物收容所看貓咪,  看這照片女兒那時矮我半個頭  ,她一看到這些可愛的貓咪,  她就直問我們何時結婚? 還真不好意思

At that time, you still needed to work. 

You worried that I and my daughter could be too bored at home,

so you asked a female fried to take us to go outisde for fun.

In spite of that,you still worked hard

and were together with us for traveling Seattle sometimes.

At that time, my daughter and I liked to visit humane society.

Look at this picture.  My daughter was still much shorter than me.

When she saw the lovely cats, she directly asked us when we can get mariied?





現在三年了  女兒也比我高了  我們也如願成立了可愛的家庭

After three years, my daughter is taller than me. 

Now, we also become a lovely family as we wish.



「When I fall in love」    

When I fall in love
It will be forever
Or I never fall in love
In a restless world like this is
Love is ended before it begun
And too many moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun

When I give my heart
It will be completely
Or I never give my heart
And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you




在這美麗的回憶中 , 我們的「西雅圖夜未眠」戀曲,在那一瞬間心靈的悸動,已經註定了這段情緣, 如果相遇是今生必然的緣份,但願愛能夠就此延續........就讓我為我們歡心的日子, 唱一首歌「When I Fall In Love」,許下一生中最珍貴的承諾!

In this beautiful memory,

our "sleepless in Seattle" love is fated when the moment we are touched.

If it is fate, let our love continue.....

I want to sing a song "When I fall in love" as the most precious promise

 for this speical lovely day.




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