
 疑是梅花盛開的春天, 怎奈寒冷的冬雪又來? 

It should be the Plum Blossom spring.  How can the cold snow come again?

滿城的霜雪是那樣的放縱, 瞬間已成白色世界

The snow was so careless.  Instantly, my community  become a white world.


The poets liked to talk the battle of Spring bewteen plum blossom and snow throughout Chinese history.

宋朝有詩人盧梅坡 作「雪梅」詩 其中2首就有提到

In Sung dynasty, there was a poet whose two poems mentioned it.

雪梅 之一 盧梅坡


語意: 雪梅(之一)



Plum blossom and snow fought over presenting  spring each other.

Niether of them did not want to lose the battle.

The poet had to make much effort to judge them.  For the pureness,

plum blossom lost to  snow 30 percentage.  However, for the  fragrance,

plum blossom won snow a lot.

雪梅 之二 盧梅坡




If there was only plum blossom without snow, plum blossom can not be so spirited.

If there was only snow without poem, it will make people so tawdry.

By the time of evening, the peom was finished and it was just  snowing.

Plum blossom and plum made beautiful spring together.


Many poets like to write the articles with snow and plum blossom together. 

Because of plum blossom, snow tells people it is spring.

Because of snow, plum blossom presents higher class more.

其實 雪、梅都成了報春的使者、冬去春來的象徵。

In fact, both of snow and plum blossom are messenger of spring and the sybmol whichwinter goes and  spring comes.


However, in the poem of Sung dynasty poet, they fought over presenting spring.

Neither of them wanted to lose in the battle of srping.


當讀完全詩時,我們似乎可以看出作者寫這首詩 的言外之意

When reading the poem,we almost feel that the author had another meaning.

借雪梅的爭春,告訴我們人各有所長,也各有所短,要有自知之明。取人之長,補己之短, 培養更好的人品。

By the battle of spring, he told us that everybody had his merits and faults.

We should understand our faults and learn other's merits to become better personality.


在愛情的世界裡, 也是如此

In the world of love, it is also the same.

知心的兩人, 雖各有缺點 ,但互不嫌棄

Two closed people have their own faults , but they never complain it each other.

相輔相成, 截長補短, 相互欣賞

They help  and appreciate each other.

款款深情 ,在天願做比翼鳥, 在地願做連理枝

Affectionately, they would like to be a pair of lovebirds  in the sky

and a pair of  twinned tunks on the ground.

而我願化做朵朵的花兒, 不畏風寒, 守在你每日經過的窗前

About me?   I would like to be all flowers being brave against the cold wind

beside the window that you have to pass  every day.

日日夜夜,  朵朵花兒全都為你而開,   直到有一天,你終於發現那花瓣上的露珠兒

All flowers blossom for you day and night. 

Until one day, you finally discover the  beads on the petals.


那是我為你喜極而泣,感動落下歡欣的淚水 而從你的綠色的眼眸 我看見了你不捨的溫柔深情

That's my touched tears because  I am so happy.  In your green eyes, I see

that you are reluctant to give up the tenderness to me from the bottom of your heart. 


後記: 春天的時候, 我的美籍洋老公和我常散步在西雅圖華盛頓湖邊的公園, 看到很多梅花(或是其多年生的花種),在我賞花的同時, 不經意注意到花兒下的小小牌子 ,大約只有3公分X6公分的長方形 ,上面寫著紀念著某人, 當我看到這樣的情景, 透過花兒傳遞著不變的不捨柔情, 我非常的感動, 心有所感而寫下了這樣的文章, 雖這些照片的花是我家種的梅花非湖畔的梅花

P.S. : In spring,my husband and  I often took a walk in the park beside Lake Washington where there were a lot of plum blossoms (or the other kind of perennial flowers). When enjoying the flowers, I carelessly noticed a small board which was only about 3cm x 6cm written to remember someone special. When I saw it, I felt very touched with such unchanged love feeling through the flowers. Therefore, I wrote this article  although the plum blossoms' photos were taken in my yard not in the park beside Lake Washington.

更多西雅圖的梅花~~~More plum blossoms in Seattle area~~~!aSzdQHyLHwIzVCHnMlgK08oJcIQ45w--/article?mid=9109&prev=9220&next=9079



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