
遇見鹿家庭                                                Aug 8,2007

今晨早餐後, 在庭院散步 ,遇見鹿媽媽和2個鹿小孩, 我已看過他們好多次, 這次終於可以拍下他們.

After breakfast, I took a walk and

I saw deer mother and two deer babies.

I already have met them many times.

I finally had the chance to take the photos of them.

這是從書房窗外2F往下拍,  不好意思這邊的花園還沒動工, 可能要等明年了.

This was taken through the reading room window.

They are in my front yard.

I am sorry the side yard has not been made yet. 

It could be made next year.

這是其中一隻小鹿在我家楓葉樹下, 很可愛歐!

This is one of the deer babies. Quite cute!


The mother took the babies to my back yard.

挨呀!!! 媽媽竟吃起我的花呀!

Oh! My God! The mother ate my “Pink Princess”.

!這媽的水桶腰 ,該減肥囉!

Look the mother’s big waist. Maybe,

she needs to reduce some pounds.

他們有些怕人, 越過後院欄杆就消失在森林了 ! Bye! Bye!下次再見了!

They are a little of shy. They jump the fence

and disappeared in the forest.

Bye! Bye! See you guys next time.



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