
自從今年六月回台灣時, 教會我的洋老公中式象棋, 他就會常常要找我或女兒下棋,不會中文的他, 硬是把十四個國字背下來,昨天參加家族野餐時也來下一盤.

Since we were back Taiwan in June and I taught my husband how to play Chinese chess,

he often wanted me  or my daughter to play Chinese chess with him.

We played it again when we had the picnic with his whole family yesterday.


戰局開始, 他盡然想用"美男計"來擾亂我!  可是, 我鎮靜得很

The game started.  He tried to use his kiss to let me lose concentration but I was very calm.

一開始就陷入僵局, 我下手可得好好想一想

In the beginning, it was in the deadlock.  I had to think about how to solve it?

我想抽一隻救我的帥,  卻又抽到他的卒, 天啊!  我怎麼這樣背呢? 

I wanted to pick up one piece to save my general,but I get the killer of my general. God! How can I have such bad luck!


他這下可得易, 我卻是愁雲慘霧

He was quite happy but I was very sad.


看吧! 我紅色的帥夠慘 我想皺出眉頭, 卻皺 不出來, 不知如何是好?

Look! My red general was quite upset.

I wanted to frown but I can not make it. I did not know how to do?


算了! 就讓他吃帥吧! 接下來"大戰一番"的結果是這樣.

Forgot it! Let him kill my general! Then, this was the final result after we fought each other long time.


兩人互不相讓, 顧不了夫妻情份了!  現在, 可是戰場!

We can not care about  each other any more. Forgot the love of couple!

Now, it is the war time.


這是最後結果, 怎麼樣! 老公你的黑士跑不了我的手掌心吧

This was the final result. Hey! You,my honey, can not run any more!  



老婆! 我投降了! 給我抱抱吧

My dear wife! I surrendered! Gave me a hug!


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