

I draw a picture of "love bird" playing in the coffee trees by the color pencil.



Dear husband,

這幾天你總是要加班, 連晚餐都無法和我和女兒一起吃, 真是辛苦了!

You often worked overtime these days. 

You even can not have dinner with me and my daughter. You work so hard!


這一幅畫是多年前, 在旅居夏威夷時我畫的畫, 我常在夏威夷常看到這樣色彩鮮豔的鳥, 我不知他們的名字, 看到他們恩愛的模樣, 就叫他們"愛情鳥"吧!

This was the picture  which I draw many years ago when I was in Hawaii. 

I often saw this kind of colorful birds but I did not know their name.   Because they looked like loving each other very much, I called  them "Love Bird".



"在天願做比翼鳥, 在地願做連理枝", 愛情千古年來總是那麼讓人期待的, 尋尋覓覓,期期待待,跌跌撞撞中,總是多麼希望有一天有人需要我和愛我, 現在我是多麼幸運,有了你溫暖的愛.

"People wish that their love can be same as the "Love Birds" in the sky

and as the "Twinned Trunks" on the ground."  

Love has been always expected since long time ago.   Searching and hoping. 

I was always fail. I often hoped someone needed and loved me someday. 

Now,I am so lucky to have your warm love.



在即將遠行出差的你,送這幅自己畫的"愛情鳥"給你,希望我們的愛情像這兩隻嘻戲在咖啡樹林的"愛情鳥",一樣甜蜜浪漫 ,還要告訴你, 我們還在熱戀喔, 只要你需要我, 我就會在你身邊, 我總是會照顧你, 我總是愛你, 世上每有人像我如此愛你喔! 在旅途中, 要好好照顧自己, 期待著再相聚的那一刻,不要流下歡欣的淚水,我只要你再一次熱情地擁抱我

Before you have a long business trip, I send this picture of "Love Bird" to you. 

I hope our love is as sweet as  these two love birds playing in the coffee trees happily. 

I also want to tell you that I am still in hot love with you. 

As long as you tell me that you need me, I will be there for you. 

I will always take care of you. I always love you.  There is no one loving you like I do. 

In this long business trip, please take care of yourself. 

I will expect the moment when we meet again.

Please do not have the joyfull tears.

I just want you to hold me to you in an affectionate embrace again.



錶好框了! This is the picture with the frame.


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