
見或不見 Will you see me or not?

你見 或著不見我 Will you see me or not?

我就在那裡 不悲不喜 I will be there, neither sad nor happy

你念 或著不念我 Do you miss me or not?
情就在那裡 不來不去 The feeling is there, neither coming nor going.

你愛或著不愛我 Do you love me or not?
愛就在那裡 不增不減 The love is there, neither increasing nor decreasing.

你跟 或著不跟我 Will you come with me or not?
我的手在你手裡 不捨不棄 My hand is in yours, it will not leave .

來我懷裡 Come into my embrace.
或 讓我住進你的心裡 Or let me into your heart .
默然相愛 寂靜喜歡 Silent love, quiet fondness.

你愛或著不愛我 Do you love me or not?
愛就在那裡 不增不減 The love is there, neither increasing nor decreasing.

你跟 或著不跟我 Will you come with me or not?
我的手在你手裡 不捨不棄 My hand is in yours, it will not leave.

來我懷裡 Come into my embrace.
或 讓我住進你的心裡 Or let me into your heart.

默然相愛 寂靜喜歡  Silent love, quiet fondness

默然相愛 寂靜喜歡 Silent love, quiet fondness

午後三點三十三分 氣溫33F 我在櫻花河畔靜靜地等著你 .....

I am silently waiting for you by cherry blossom river at 3:33 PM, 33F.

眼看天就快要下雨了... 你來或是不來 ...  你見或是不見 ...

It will rain soon...  Will you come or not? ...  Will you see me or not? ...


歌名: 見或不見    演唱:何晟銘
作詞:倉央嘉措   作曲:譚旋    編曲:譚旋



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